- Bed Risers - Dorm rooms are typically small, and every bit of extra storage space can help. Bed risers can elevate the bed and provide much-needed space underneath.
- First-Aid Kit - Include basic items like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any prescription medications you might need.
- Power Strips/Surge Protectors - Dorms have limited plugs, and students have lots of devices. Additional outlets can be a lifesaver.
- Sewing Kit - A mini sewing kit can come in handy for those small clothing emergencies. Include needles, thread, buttons, and safety pins.
- Flashlight - Whether for a late-night study session or a power outage, a flashlight is a useful tool to have on hand.
- Document Organizer - When a student moves out for college, it's likely the first time they'll be responsible for their important documents. Make sure to bring a safe place to keep their ID, passport, and insurance cards.

The College Freshman Move-In Checklist
For those college freshmen who are starting up in the spring semester, we've compiled a list of important items that often get overlooked when packing for move-in: