GraduationPedia by Cap and Gown Direct

How to Plan an Exciting Graduation for Your Kin...
Kindergarten graduation marks the beginning of the rest of your child’s school years and the wonderful growth that’s to come. What better way is there to capture the moment than...
How to Plan an Exciting Graduation for Your Kin...
Kindergarten graduation marks the beginning of the rest of your child’s school years and the wonderful growth that’s to come. What better way is there to capture the moment than...

The 2023 Decluttering Guide for Students
As Ben Franklin once said, “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” Students can set themselves up for success in 2023 by decluttering their spaces and getting...
The 2023 Decluttering Guide for Students
As Ben Franklin once said, “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” Students can set themselves up for success in 2023 by decluttering their spaces and getting...

Tips for Getting Unforgettable Photos on Gradua...
Whether your student is graduating from college or kindergarten, great graduation photos can capture meaningful memories of this chapter of their life for years to come. That’s why we’ve compiled...
Tips for Getting Unforgettable Photos on Gradua...
Whether your student is graduating from college or kindergarten, great graduation photos can capture meaningful memories of this chapter of their life for years to come. That’s why we’ve compiled...

What Should You Do With an Old Graduation Cap a...
Graduation has come and gone, but that old gown is still taking up space in your closet. What's the best way to get rid of it if you don't need...
What Should You Do With an Old Graduation Cap a...
Graduation has come and gone, but that old gown is still taking up space in your closet. What's the best way to get rid of it if you don't need...

The Move-In Checklist for College Freshmen
Getting ready for the first semester away from home can be exciting for soon-to-be college freshmen, but it can also be overwhelming.Between registering for classes, getting financial aid lined up...
The Move-In Checklist for College Freshmen
Getting ready for the first semester away from home can be exciting for soon-to-be college freshmen, but it can also be overwhelming.Between registering for classes, getting financial aid lined up...

The Pre-Graduation Checklist
As winter graduation approaches, you may be finding your to-do list getting longer and longer. With school projects to finish, college or grad school applications to submit, and the nervous...
The Pre-Graduation Checklist
As winter graduation approaches, you may be finding your to-do list getting longer and longer. With school projects to finish, college or grad school applications to submit, and the nervous...